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Courses for Young Learners

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Winter Children Art course in Malta. Led by professional qualified artist Kelsey May Connor | Art Classes Malta


Drawing and Painting encourages the mind to observe the world more closely, considering how things are put together and how they work. It lets students articulate concepts that exist only in their imaginations, in ways words just can’t.

Your child will engage within 3 interrelated areas of art and creativity:

✓ Artistic Studies:  Learn the foundations of Drawing and Painting using different media and tools. ✓ Creative Expression: Our art program is designed in a way which not only focuses on the observational -more traditional way of expressing art. We emphasize a lot on the importance of creativity- the ability to think, communicate and express themselves creatively. ✓ Social & Emotional development: Each student will learn how to present and communicate their ideas during end of course exhibition.

Shared classroom resources are included and provided by us. Other personal-use and consumable resources are purchased by the student (read full policy below). Personal material boxes are also available (subject to available stock) ⓘ

Upcoming term commencement: week starting 26th January 2025 *This course tends to become full very quickly!

Sessions (5-8 y.o):  Tuesday, Wednesday or Saturday 11-1PM Sessions (9-12 y.o):Tuesday or Wednesday 5-7PM or Saturday 1:30-3:30PM

NOTE: Enrollments made before August 15th 2024 benefit from Early Enrollment Discounted rates. Use coupon code: EarlyWinterEnrollment24

 Winter Program Schedule 2024-25

Term 1: 7th October - 25th January (14 sessions) Christmas Break: Dec 23rd 2024- Jan 4th 2025 Term 2: 26th January - 17th May (14 sessions) Easter Break: 14th-26th April 2025

*Class schedules are subject to change during public holidays*

Game Design and Development using Construct & Unity 2D+3D for Kids & Teens | InnovativeKids Malta -- This is an Internationally recognized Award, awarded by MAD Institute and accredited by MFHEA

Game Design and Development for young Learners


During these programs in Game design and development, students will learn how to design and make simple games, stories and animations using game engines: GameMaker, Construct and/or Unity. As they create the digital game, students learn 21st century skills: how to use basic coding concepts such as conditions and loops, how to create good User friendly interfaces and experiences through virtual design, how to research game concepts, create stories, digital characters and animations. Upcoming Commencement Dates: Saturday 6th February 2025 Duration: See course details Entry Age: 9-12; 13-15    |     Mode: Project-Based learning

Winter enrollments made before 15th of August 2024 benefit from Early-Enrollment Discounts. Use coupon code: EarlyWinterEnrollment24

 Winter Program Schedule 2024-25

Term 1: 7th October - 25th January (14 sessions) Christmas Break: Dec 23rd 2024- Jan 4th 2025 Term 2: 24th January - 17th May (14 sessions) Easter Break: 14th-26th April 2025

Summer term: July-September (10 weeks) St. Maria shut-down: 2 weeks August 2025

*Class schedules are subject to change due to public holidays & unforeseen postponements*

This course is an Award levels 4 & 5, recognised by the MFHEA. This continues to confirm the industry-relevance of our programs!
Summer School Malta 2024 - InnovativeKids Malta

 ONLY 60 PLACES AVAILABLE    Classes tends to become fully booked quickly 

The InnovativeKids Summer School 2024 offers a unique recipe of interesting and hands-on workshops in Design and development, Entrepreneurship, Engineering, as well as the Visual Arts - Drawing, Painting, Film production and Comic Art and Animation, Sculpting, Crafts and Pottery. Weekly S.T.E.A.M workshops and themed activities are a bright highlight that give the program a special twist and element of surprise. The Summer School is open for ALL students between the ages of 5-8 and 9-12 & 13-16 grouped accordingly. *4 year old siblings are accepted to apply Commencement Date: 1st July until 30th August 2024 (7 Full Weeks) Extended option: until the 13th of September ’24 (+2 weeks) Note: No sessions will be held during the St. Maria shut-down (13th-25th August 2023) Summer Package Options: 5-day week 3-day week (Mon-Wed OR Wed-Fri) 2-day week (Mon-Tue OR Thur-Fri)

Application Deadlines: SUPER Early Enrolment until 15th February! // Early Enrollment period until March 15th // Final Enrolment until May 1st (A 15 euro charge will apply on later enrollments - subject to availability). To benefit from Early Enrolment discounts use coupon code: EarlyEnrollment24 

The InnovativeKids summer school operates as a licensed summer school and participants upto 12 years old are entitled to a tax deduction of up to €2000 or the fees actually paid during the summer school.
Naughty Scientists - When Fantasy meets Science! by InnovativeKids Malta

When Fantasy Meets Science!   CLASS-BASED 

Naughty Scientists combine the thrill of science experiments with real-world activities. This program will have students put on a new lens through which to observe and interact with the world around them! They will discover the science behind everyday things and events, become challenged to solve problems in ways they never thought of before and immerse themselves in roles and activities which they never thought possible... From Agriculture methods,  to becoming: Science Chefs, Forensic DETECTIVES, Little Spacemen to Naughty Archaeologists and much more! This program was conceived as an idea to promote Creative and Scientific-Critical-Thinking through hands-on and game-like workshops and activities. The workshops are not heavy in theory but fully loaded with FUN which will enable participants to fully engage and learn while having a blast!! Shared classroom resources are included and provided by us. Other personal-use and consumable resources are purchased by the student (read full policy below) ⓘ
Applications: Open!  Ages: 5-8; 9-12; 13+ (different ages will be grouped accordingly) | Duration: 14 sessions/winter term OR 7 sessions/summer term Mode: Project-based / Game-like

Upcoming commencement dates: 1st week of July 2024

Winter club sessions: every Monday 5-7PM (5-8y.o) and Saturday 1:30-3:30PM (9-13+y.o) / Summer club sessions: every Tuesday 2:30-4:30PM (5-8y.o) and 4:30-7:00PM (9-13+y.o) Summer enrollments made before 15th of March 2024 benefit from Early-Enrollment Discounts. Use coupon code: EarlySummerEnrollment24

 Winter Program Schedule 2023-24

Term 1: 2nd October – 20th January (14 sessions) Christmas Break: Dec 24th 2023- Jan 6th 2024 Term 2: 22nd January – 12th May (14 sessions) Easter Break: 9th- 22nd April 2024

Summer Schedule 2024:

Summer term: Week starting July- Sep (7 weeks) St. Maria shut-down: 2 weeks August 2024

*Class schedules are subject to change during public holidays*

Art Ordinary Level preparation - Art Classes Malta
*This class tends to become full quickly!


Throughout the duration of this course the student will become confident using a multitude of media ranging from pencils to watercolors and acrylics, enabling the student to develop and build a versatile portfolio needed to sit for his/her O Level art studies and beyond.

This course will help the student:

✓ Learn the Principles of drawing and painting: Perspective, colour, figure drawing, portraiture & still-life;

✓ Acquire new skills Painting in Acrylics & Watercolours;

✓ Become confident drawing figures, still-life & landscapes using time-proven techniques;

✓ Apply learned techniques to his own artistic compositions and create a versatile portfolio needed to sit for his examination.

Upcoming term commencement: 25th January 2025

Sessions and times: Saturday 9-11AM

Duration: On-going  | Fee: 215 euros per term (12 lessons per term)

Summer enrollments made before 15th of August 2024 benefit from Early-Enrollment Discounts. Use coupon code: EarlyWinterEnrollment24

 Winter Program Schedule 2024-25

Term 1: 12th October '24 - 11th January '25 (12 sessions) Christmas Break: Dec 23rd 2024- Jan 4th 2025

Term 2: 18th January - 5th April (12 sessions) Easter Break: 14th-26th April 2025

Summer Term: 21st June - Sep '25 (12 sessions) St. Maria shut-down: 2 weeks in August

*Class schedules are subject to change during public holidays*
Kids Summer Art Course 2019 - Art Classes Malta
 AVAILABLE ONLINE   or CLASS-BASED    *This course tends to become full quickly!


Drawing and Painting encourages the mind to observe the world more closely, considering how things are put together and how they work. It lets students articulate concepts that exist only in their imaginations, in ways words just can’t.

Your child will engage within 3 interrelated areas of art and creativity:

✓ Artistic Studies:  Learn the foundations of Drawing and Painting using different media and tools.

✓ Creative Expression: Our art program is designed in a way which not only focuses on the observational -more traditional way of expressing art. We emphasize a lot on the importance of creativity- the ability to think, communicate and even learn creatively.

✓ Social & Emotional development: Each student will learn how to present and communicate their ideas during end of course exhibition.

Starting: 1st July- 21st September (2x 10 weeks, 20 lessons) *1x a week option is available on request and subject to place availability

Summer enrollments made before 15th of March 2024 benefit from Early-Enrollment Discounts. Use coupon code: EarlySummerEnrollment24

 Summer Progamme Schedule 2023 Group 1 (5-8 y.o):Monday 5-7PM AND Saturday 11AM-1PM Group 2 (5-8 y.o): Tuesday AND Friday 9-11AM Group 3 (9-12 y.o): Monday 5-7PM AND Saturday 1:30-3:30PM Group 4 (9-12 y.o): Tuesday AND Friday 9-11AM

*No sessions will be held during the St. Maria shut-down: 14th-26th August 2023*

Sculpting, Pottery & Creative Crafts | Art Classes Malta

Messy is our nickname! Discover a world of 3D & multisensory art...

*This class tends to become full quickly!

This program aims to introduce young students to a world of creative possibilities and 3 dimensional crafts. It is designed to allow students the time to deal with different materials and to become introduced to different areas in Sculpting. Workshops revolve around real-world projects that aim to develop children's creative mindset together with their craftsmanship. Sessions include- Creating Figure structures, Pottery classes, Recycled crafts, Printmaking workshops, Clay and Portrait modelling and much more!

Upcoming Commencement Date: 31st January 2025 *groups tend to become full quickly

Winter sessions & times: Every Monday, Thursday or Friday 5-7PM (5-8; 9-12 y.o) & Saturday 1:30AM-3:30PM (13+ y.o)
Summer sessions & times: Every Monday 9-1:30PM (all ages) OR Thursday 9:00AM-1:30PM (all ages) OR Every Friday 5-7PM (5-8; 9-12 y.o) & Saturday 1:30AM-3:30PM (13+ y.o)

Winter enrollments made before 15th of August 2024 benefit from Early-Enrollment Discounts. Use coupon code: EarlyWinterEnrollment24

 Winter Program Schedule 2024-25

Term 1: 7th October - 25th January (14 sessions) Christmas Break: Dec 23rd 2024- Jan 4th 2025 Term 2: 26th January - 17th May (14 sessions) Easter Break: 14th-26th April 2025

Summer Schedule 2025:

5-8 & 9-12 y.o: Week starting July-  Sep (20 lessons | 2x 10 weeks) 13 y.o+: Week starting July - Sep (10 lessons / 1x 10 weeks) St. Maria shut-down: 2 weeks August 2025

*Class schedules are subject to change during public holidays*

Film-making and Digital Animation for young learners | InnovativeKids Malta

Film-making in Stop Motion Animation

Stop Motion animation is one of the oldest yet most creative animation and visual storytelling techniques to be used in cinematography. Combining ART, MOTION and visual NARRATION it makes for an optimal creative experience for young and budding filmmakers! It is also a FUN process during which young learners can learn what it takes to create compelling stories that engage viewers, collaborate and learn how to use technology in an educational and learning environment. Divided into 2 courses 1st the Film and Animation [3-D Animation] followed with the Comic and Animation [2-D Animation]  these courses allow students to create different fun and creative animation films using 3D miniature models or 2D comic characters! Shared classroom resources are included and provided by us. Other personal-use and consumable resources are purchased by the student (read full policy below) ⓘ

Upcoming commencement dates: July '24

Winter sessions and times: Every Thursday 5-7PM  / Summer: Tuesday & Friday 11:30-1:30PM

Duration: 28hrs per term (14 /2 hr sessions each term) Age(s): 5-8; 9-13

Summer enrollments made before 15th of March 2024 benefit from Early-Enrollment Discounts. Use coupon code: EarlySummerEnrollment24

Winter Program Schedule 2023/24

Term 1: 2nd October – 20th January (14 sessions) Christmas Break: Dec 25th 2023- Jan 6th 2024 Term 2: 22nd January – 12th May (14 sessions) Easter Break: 9th- 22nd April 2024

Summer term: July-September (7 weeks) No sessions will be held during the St. Maria shut-down

*Class schedules are subject to change during public holidays*

Award in Classical Fine Art: Drawing and Painting course Malta - An MQF level 5 Award | MAD Institute

Acquire Professional Skills in Fine Arts

  AWARD MQF LEVEL 5   /   Get Qualified (70% Refund)  Upcoming Commencement Dates: October '24; January '25; June '25 (see all full details in schedule section) Assessment: Project-Based learning Mode of Study: PARTTIME 📢 UPDATED: Upcoming term starting 3rd & 6th February (courses 1 & 2)
This is an Award level 5 program, recognized by the MFHEA. This continues to confirm the industry-relevance of our programs!

Discover - Make - Play - Learn    includes outdoor sessions 

EXPLORERS was conceived as an idea to promote Creativity, Collaboration, Communication and Critical Thinking and through Exploratory and Game-Like, Fun activities. This program is composed of several Exploratory workshops in SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, Art and Engineering within Real-World themes and activities designed to generate creativity, a problem-solving mindset and drive real-world connection. Inspired by the different theme of the week students will discover different topics, learn to Research, form Critical opinions and Create new ways of doing things.

Shared classroom resources are included and provided by us. Other personal-use and consumable resources are purchased by the student (read full policy below) ⓘ

Upcoming Commencement: Week starting 1st July until 30th August 2024 (7 Full Weeks)  *Places are Limited

Session Time: Every Wednesday between 9AM-1:30PM *Extended pick-up and early drop-off options also available (more details below)*

P.S St. Maria shut-down: No sessions will be held between the 7th-20th August 2023

Summer enrollments made before 15th of March 2024 benefit from Early-Enrollment Discounts. Use coupon code: EarlySummerEnrollment24

This course is also part of the InnovativeKids Summer School package. Learn more
Toy Production course: Elementary Engineering & Design Thinking - Developed by InnovativeKids Malta

Elementary Engineering and Design Thinking

During this 7-week workshop, students will learn how to design and build fun toys, gadgets and/or prototype products designed to meet a disabled child’s needs or to develop a new solution. First, they research the therapeutic needs of the disabled child and brainstorm innovative ways toys can meet those needs. To refine the design, the students present mockups to the child, family, therapists and/or client and collect feedback. As they build the product, students learn to use different tools and technologies. At exhibition time, the child and family are invited to a ceremony where the final version of the toy is presented. P.S To maintain our courses fresh course projects may change from time to time. Application: Open Entry Age: 9-12; 13+ |Duration: circa. 30hrs Mode: Project-based

Upcoming commencement dates: Week starting 1st July 2024, every Thursday 9AM-1:30PM OR Wednesday 4-7PM

Summer enrollments made before 15th of March 2024 benefit from Early-Enrollment Discounts. Use coupon code: EarlySummerEnrollment24

This course may also be part of the InnovativeKids Summer School package. Learn more
This course is also part of the InnovativeKids Winter Club. Learn more
Game Design & Development course Malta - An MQF levels 4/5 Award | MAD Institute

Learn the art, technologies and creative process of creating digital video games.

  AWARDS MQF LEVELS 4-5   /   Get Qualified (70% Refund)  Upcoming Commencement Dates: June (Level 1 -preparatory) and October '24 (Level 2 onwards) (see all upcoming dates below) Session: Mondays, 7-9PM Duration: 30 hours per module/course | Assessment: Project-Based learning Mode of Study: PARTTIME
This program is an Awards levels 4-5 bundle, recognised by the MFHEA. This continues to confirm the industry-relevance of our programs!
Comic Art for young learners - Art Classes Malta
Comic Art is one of the oldest yet most creative visual storytelling techniques. Combining narration, visual sound effects, exaggerated poses and gesture drawing together with and great story telling it makes for an optimal creative art experience for young artists! During this 4-day workshop students will learn about proportions, human anatomy, foreshortening, rendering and perspective drawing all while learning how to create Superhero characters from their imagination. These action poses are essential to creating powerful characters that can tell an amazing story!

Upcoming commencement date: 27th-29th of December '21

Session Options: 9:00AM-11:45AM

Duration: 3 sessions x 2.45hrs (8 hours)

Ages: 9-13 | Fee:  60 euros

Through my Eyes- A course in narrative photography for young learners | InnovativeKids Malta

A creative journey in Photography

By capturing the real world and examining photos, students can create a better map of the world around them and understand in greater detail the environment and even social realities around them. This creative journey will put a new lens through which students view and perceive the world around them. By integrating the study of photography and digital technology with science and real-world-connection projects the program culminates in an exhibit for parents, other students and community members aimed towards creating great awareness through powerful images! Commencement Date: 1st week of July 2024 Duration: 10-14 weeks    |   Ages: 9-12; 13+ Areas of study: Photography, Science, Sustainability, Multimedia, Design Winter sessions: TBA, between 5-7PM // Summer sessions: every Wednesday 4:30PM-7:00PM

Summer enrollments made before 15th of March 2024 benefit from Early-Enrollment Discounts. Use coupon code: EarlySummerEnrollment24

 Winter Program Schedule 2022/23

Term 1: 2nd October – 20th January (14 sessions) Christmas Break: Dec 24th 2023- Jan 6th 2024 Term 2: 22nd January – 12th May (14 sessions) Easter Break: 9th- 22nd April 2024

Summer Schedule 2024:

 July- Sep (1x 10 weeks) St. Maria shut-down: 2 weeks August 2024

*Class schedules are subject to change during public holidays*

Electronic Gadgets course for young Learners / InnovativeKids Malta

Elementary Engineering, Electronics, Programming & Design Thinking   Class-based 

During this creative workshop students will learn to create electronic gadgets designed to meet the well-being and safety needs of the elderly. This course will call on participants to become creative, critical problem-solvers through a design and make approach. In this course, participants will learn about and apply different areas of technology, namely the engineering design process, electronics and programming to create an innovative product that will address the needs, wants and values of the intended user. P.S To maintain our courses fresh course projects may change from time to time. Application: Open Ages: 9-12; 13+ | Duration: circa 30hrs Mode: Project-based (projects change from time to time) Commencement: Week starting 4th July until 16th September 2022 (10 Weeks)  *Places are limited Session Time: Every Thursday between 5PM-8PM OR Saturday 1:30-4:30PM P.S St. Maria shut-down: No sessions will be held between the 8th-21st August 2022 Enrollments made before 15th March 2022 benefit from Early Enrollment Discounts. Use coupon code: EarlyCourseEnrollmentS22 
MuŻicA - Electronic Music Production & Instrument Building | InnovativeKids Malta

Music Production & Instrument Building (The Creative Process)  NOW AVAILABLE ONLINE   or CLASS-BASED 

This course will provide an introduction to the basic elements of music using both conventional and abstract notations. You will learn about the different elements behind Music- the harmonic orchestration of different sounds and rhythms. In both traditional and modern contexts we will uncover the techniques, skills and creative processes of crafting music: from distilling sounds, dissecting different instruments to the creation of both recycled instruments and electronic music production. This course will cover the basics of recording, mixing, creating music using music technology and instrument building. Ultimately this experience will teach students to not just be modern day musicians but to question music and the different subtle sounds around them and explore an array of different creative possibilities and uses in the modern day. Applications: Not Available Ages: 9-12 & 13+) | Duration: 12 sessions (24 hrs) Mode: Project-based Course will commence this 7th July 2021 (see available sessions and times in the selection below). Enrollments made before 15th March 2021 benefit from a 15 euro Early Enrollment Discount. Use coupon code: EarlyEnrollment21 
Designing Cool! A course in Architecture, Design & Sustainability | InnovativeKids Malta

Architecture, Sustainability and Design Thinking

Can students implement a real world solution to a landscape design problem? How do the spaces around us come into being, and how do they affect us and the environment? During this Designing Cool program, students will learn how to re-design and develop sustainable solutions to an existing real-world challenge! Integrating Art, Design & Science together enabling students to work in groups towards creating their own designs, creating porotypes and digital design models and promoting their solutions! First, they research the existing problem of an urbanized area and brainstorm innovative and sustainable designs which can improve the functionality and aesthetic of the living surroundings. To refine the design, the students present mockups and/or digital design models and collect feedback. As they build their designs, students learn to use different tools and technologies. At exhibition time, the child and family are invited to a ceremony where the final version of the design is presented. P.S To maintain our courses fresh course projects may change from time to time. Application: Open Entry Age: 9-12; 13+ |Duration: circa. 30hrs Mode: Project-based Areas of Study: Landscape Design, Elementary Engineering, Art, Sustainability, Graphic Design, Multimedia, Real World Connection, Science

Upcoming commencement dates: Week starting 1st July, every Monday 9AM-1:30PM or Tuesday 4-7PM

Enrollments made before 15th March 2024 benefit from Early Enrollment Discounted rates. Use coupon code: EarlySummerEnrollment24

This course is also part of the InnovativeKids Summer School package. Learn more
This course is also part of the InnovativeKids Winter Club. Learn more
Art Advanced Level Programme - Art Classes Malta

History of Art

This course will aid the student in developing a critical approach to the analyses of works of art within their historical context. Using specific works of art as primary source, these classes will approach the study of art history reflectively and analytically. Furthermore, enhancing the knowledge of the student vastly while supplying an appropriate use of artistic terminology.

Download Syllabus

Upcoming commencement date: 15th November 2019 - April 2020 *Extended Enrollment Deadline ends this October 20th

Sessions and times: Friday between 6-8PM

Duration: 2 semesters (54 hrs)  | Fee:  203eu/per semester or 324eu in Full

Digital Media Lab by InnovativeKids Malta

Visual storytelling through Film, Animation, Photography & Digital Art!

Dive into the dynamic world of digital media with our all-in-one DigitalMedia Lab club including various workshops in: film making, digital animation, photography and digital art. This hands-on lab encourages students to explore their creativity through practical projects and real-world applications, blending artistic vision with cutting-edge technology to bring your unique stories to life. By capturing the real world and examining photos, students can create a better map of the world around them and understand in greater detail the environment and even social realities around them. This creative journey will put a new lens through which students view and perceive the world around them. By integrating the study of photography and digital technology with science and real-world-connection projects the program culminates in an exhibit for parents, other students and community members aimed towards creating great awareness through powerful images! Commencement Date: 29th January, every Wednesday 5-7PM Duration: 14 sessions per term     |   Ages: 9-12; 13+ Areas of study: Photography, Science, Sustainability, Multimedia, Design

Summer enrollments made before 15th of March 2024 benefit from Early-Enrollment Discounts. Use coupon code: EarlySummerEnrollment24

Winter Program Schedule 2024-25

Term 1: 7th October - 25th January (14 sessions) Christmas Break: Dec 23rd 2024- Jan 4th 2025 Term 2: 26th January - 17th May (14 sessions) Easter Break: 14th-26th April 2025

*Class schedules are subject to change during public holidays*

Easter ArtParty for Kids 4-8 & 9-12 y.o / Art Classes Malta

 Easter Special!    #Parent&Child  

Running out of ideas this Easter? Want to plan something fun with your children? During these festive times we make the best out of creating something out of the ordinary while learning and having fun together! We have developed the idea that might be for you during the Easter holidays. During the Easter holidays we have planned the ideal workshop for you filled with fun activities where parents and children can bond and be creative together. The idea behind this is to provide an opportunity for the whole family to spend time in a creative and fun way. These exciting activities are engaging for both the child and the parent. The workshop will consist of: Art & Crafts workshop + PARTY & Games room Fun To wrap it all up on a high and fun note the workshop will be followed by an Easter party inclusive of games-room access at Multimax, at Square Cafe. 

Dates: 28th March, between 9:00AM-11:30AM

Ages: 4-8 y.o; 9-12 y.o Parent & Child attendance option: Parents are most welcome! Each child is allowed 1 Parent/Guardian throughout sessions. Full Easter workshop price: 30eu *inclusive of workshop materials & games-room access. ⚠️ Booking reservation until Saturday 16th March.