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Day Time Course Name Virtual Room Link
Monday 9AM-11AM Art Room A
11:30-1:30PM Film and Animation Room B
Tuesday 9AM-1:30PM Sculpting, Pottery and Crafts Room C
Wednesday 9AM-1:30PM Explorers Room D
Thursday 9AM-11AM Art Room A
11:30-1:30PM Film and Animation Room B
Friday 9AM-1:30PM Sculpting, Pottery and Crafts Room C
VIRTUAL ROOMS FOR 9-12 y.o and 13+
Day Time Course Name Virtual Room Link
Monday 9AM-1:30PM Game Design (Level 1) Room E
Tuesday 9AM-11AM Art Room A
11:30-1:30PM Comic and Animation Room F
Wednesday 9AM-1:30PM Explorers Room G
Thursday 9AM-1:30PM Engineering (Toy Production) Room H
Friday 9AM-11AM Art Room A
11:30-1:30PM Comic and Animation Room F

NOTE: Kindly make sure that you are 1st logged in to with the same user account that you registered and that we sent the invite to. Unless you are signed in you will not be able to join any of the virtual rooms

1st Session Test Run

Important: During the 1st week ALL rooms will be started 10-15 minutes earlier (hence if class starts at 9am the room will be started at 8:45am). Thus to avoid any last minute issues and so that all students join the sessions in time.

Use SAME Device when connecting siblings to the same course.

If you have more than 1 child attending the same course and joining from the same room you may log-in using the same user account and with the same devices. Having 2 different devices within the same proximity joined to the same live stream will cause unnecessary echoing and noise interruptions.

Use Chrome browser to Connect

Always use Chrome (preferred) or Firefox to ensure good quality streaming. Do NOT use Explorer browser as this tends to have problems with live streaming.
If accessing the session from a mobile or tablet make sure to 1st download the Chrome browser app.